Website redo
Website redo

Website redo

Welcome back . . . 

. . . while some dust still remains we are close to where we want to be.

If you gave us your email address for Association communications, you will receive an email notifying you and directing you to the Association website when there are new posts.  You should be able to modify the timing of these emails and if you are having trouble, please send us a note [email protected]

We have opened the Neighbor Needs section for neighbors to post help/service wanted/available.  This section will be password protected so we can maintain a “community” atmosphere to this offering.  This section is in the early stages still so please provide any feedback if you have suggestions or problems.  We will look into whether we can create email notifications when new information posts but for now, you will have to go inside for a visit now and then.

Again, welcome and please let us know your suggestions; we may already be working on it but we welcome all suggestions.  Thank you so much for your patience.  Maryann (Secretary)
