Business Update
Business Update

Business Update

Annual Meeting Update

The 2016 Annual Meeting was not an official meeting due to lack of quorum… regardless, a general status  of the neighborhood was reported.

Elections. Because there was no quorum, there was no election.  The Board remains ‘as is’ until the next Annual Meeting.  At that time, all five Board positions will be up for election.  The length of term for each elected position will be determined by the number of votes per candidate:

the five candidates with the most votes will be elected to the Board and the three candidates receiving the most votes will serve a three year term and the remaining two candidates will serve a two year  term

More information will follow prior to the next election.

Dues. Based on future expenses including an increase for Road Reserves,  the Board has voted (per Bylaws) that the Annual Dues will increase to $750 for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Dues are payable July 1, 2016, regardless of whether you receive an invoice.  Please contact a member of the Board or Leadership Management if you have questions.

Roads. A general discussion of Road Repair and planning for future road replacement was discussed. The current plan is to continue with spot repairs and crack fill as necessary.  The discussion also included a general overview of what the current replacement cost and various payment scenarios if dues were gradually increased over several years to avoid a large one-time road assessment per household.  NO current plan has been finalized and the roads will NOT need replacement for another 5-7 years.  The Board just wanted to get the idea out to the neighbors to start thinking of the potential financial impact.

Common Areas.  We continue to maintain the perimeter fence, with a focus on the Newton Road section.  A path will be created by the Beach area to divert bike and golf cart traffic toward a different route for entry (to avoid tearing up the grass foot path).  More sand will be added to the Beach.

Website Posting.  You will receive a separate email with information on how to post in the Neighbor Needs area of the Website.  This area will be “locked down” for residents only.  More information will be provided in the email.
